Eco Food Boards are crafted from locally sourced camphor laurel timber making them the best choice for naturally antibacterial chopping boards and hygienic food prep for your kitchen!
Contrary to popular belief, plastic cutting boards are not automatically more food-safe than wood. It’s assumed that because wood is a porous surface and plastic isn’t, plastic boards are more resistant to bacteria. However, this doesn’t take into account the scars a plastic cutting board will get from daily use, letting harmful toxins and bacteria in. So, in essence, wooden boards are actually a lot more sanitary in the long run.
All of the timber we use is naturally antibacterial, however Camphor Laurel tests really well in regards to not giving bacteria a good home. We’ll do our best to explain all here…but we’ll have to get a bit ‘sciency’.
The anti-microbial chemicals found in Camphor Laurel occur naturally and after the wood is kiln-dried present no issue in terms of contaminating food. The chemicals: camphor, safrole, cineole, cinnamaldehyde, fatty acids, mannitol, limonene, tannins, terpineol, eugenol, pinene, linalool, and geraniol (3, 4) are chemicals that tend to occur naturally in our food and confectionery.
The chemical that tends to raise the most eyebrows is the safrole but this little component of the wood’s makeup is also found in angelica, sassafras, nutmeg, star anise, cinnamon, cacao and black pepper…many of which you probably have on your spice rack in the pantry! Bay leaves contain cineole & eugenol, you’ll find traces of linalool, pinene & camphor in coriander and good old fashioned peppermint contains pinene & limonene. You see where we’re going with this… what nature has put in the timber she has also put in many of the ingredients we use freely.
And now the pièce de résistance of using Camphor Laurel as a food preparation surface – those very anti-microbial substances make these boards the most effective food prep surface as they reduce microbial growth. Yes!
(Of course, everyone should practice good hygiene when preparing and handling food. This goes a long way to reducing the introduction of bacteria and risks of cross-contamination in the first instance.)
All of our naturally antibacterial chopping boards are handcrafted from sustainably sourced Camphor Laurel timber harvested locally from the Northern Rivers region. This plays a huge role in helping the growth of local, native vegetation. Our boards are really durable, well-made and a lot of love goes into creating them.
By purchasing an Eco Food Board, you’re both helping the planet and supporting our local farmers. Another recycling initiative of ours is the free firewood that we offer at our hinterland showroom. We’ve got stacks available as the cooler months draw in!
We’ve got heaps of great offers on at the moment so now is the perfect time to stock up on naturally antibacterial chopping boards; essential for prepping, baking and serving up delicious meals, platters and pastries.
Enjoy 20% off all orders over $50 AND all online orders from now will receive a beautiful natural shaped camphor laurel food board worth $25 free with every order while stocks last. Ideal for picnics, cheese boards, breakfast fruit grazing platter or for serving up some lunchtime sandwiches. The timber varies in how it looks due to exactly where the tree was growing, how much rain the tree soaked up and how much beautiful Byron sunshine it absorbed as it grew.
Shop our collection online. FREE SHIPPING Australia wide.